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Topic: Business and Entrepreneurship

63 results

Skyline view of Detroit Skyline view of Detroit

Cover Story Spring 2014

Detroit-based VC Firm Creates Irresistible Opportunity

When Jake Cohen, ’13, heard about a venture capital firm that would invest in early-stage technology companies based in Detroit, he couldn't pass it up. “This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

Kyle Logue Kyle Logue

@UMICHLAW Fall 2014

Prof. Logue: Terrorism Risk Insurance Act Set to Expire Unless Congress Acts

Insurance companies were unprepared to deal with the enormous insured property losses, estimated at about $39.5 billion, that resulted from the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Concerned about the possibility of future terrorist incidents and unsure how to pay for them, many insurance companies made terrorism risk coverage unaffordable or opted not to provide it.

Detroit 2.0 photo of set type Detroit 2.0 photo of set type

Cover Story Spring 2014

Detroit 2.0

Detroit is a gutted city, a cautionary tale, a tapestry of ruin. Or Detroit is the comeback kid, a wise investment, a city that will return to greatness. What happens next in the country’s onetime industrial capital is a story that cannot yet be written; no crystal ball can accurately predict the future of the largest U.S. city ever to seek bankruptcy protection.