Issue: Winter 2020
3 results
Graduated in 2000s

Winter 2020 Class Note
Nadine Gartner, ’06: Combatting Anti-vax Misinformation
Nadine Gartner, ’06, knew as early as middle school that she wanted to do something to make her community better. She founded Boost Oregon, a nonprofit organization that provides direct education to parents who are unsure about vaccines.
Graduated in 1990s

Winter 2020 Class Note
Colleen Barney, ’93: Ninja Warrior
If you’ve ever watched American Ninja Warrior (ANW), perhaps you’ve imagined yourself scaling the Warped Wall. Colleen Barney, ’93, pictured herself doing that too—and made the cut to compete in Season 11 of the popular sports entertainment reality television show.

Winter 2020 Class Note
Michael Bobelian, ’98: The Forging of the Modern Supreme Court
Michael Bobelian, ’98, a journalist who has reported on the Supreme Court and other legal topics since 2003, explores the controversial Supreme Court nomination of Abe Fortas in his new book, The Battle for the Marble Palace: Abe Fortas, Earl Warren, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, and the Forging of the Modern Supreme Court.