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Issue: Winter 2019 | Section: Briefs

3 results

Hail to the Victors: Members of the Class of 1983 and their families share in the excitement of a Football Saturday in Ann Arbor. Hail to the Victors: Members of the Class of 1983 and their families share in the excitement of a Football Saturday in Ann Arbor.


Reunion 2018

Emeriti and the Classes of 1968, 1973, 1978, 1983, and 1988 kicked off reunion season the weekend of September 21–23. Celebrations continued October 12–14, when the Classes of 1993, 1998, 2003, 2008, and 2013 returned to campus in honor of their milestone anniversaries.

 Celebrating senior day in 2018  Celebrating senior day in 2018


Celebrating December 2018 Graduates

As we look forward to our May Senior Day ceremony, we celebrate the members of the December 2018 graduating class who are beginning to make their mark on the world, including Brent Winslow, who was the Senior Day student speaker. 

Solicitors General panel Solicitors General panel

Briefs Winter 2019

News in Brief: Winter 2019

Amazon legal team visits campus  |  Solicitor General's office panel discussion  |  Women law journal editors speak to students  |  and more...