Issue: Spring 2015
33 results

@UMICHLAW Spring 2015
Mercury Fund and Detroit Innovate Offer Students Venture Capital Fundamentals in New ZEAL Lab
The ability to think like a lawyer is what students expect from law school, but what about thinking like a venture capitalist? A new Michigan Law offering provided through a partnership with national and local venture capital firms Mercury Fund and Detroit Innovate is making it possible for students to learn the ins and outs of the venture capital world.

Cover Story Spring 2015
Immigration Law and the Nation’s Physician Shortage
Lawyers are trying to help foreign-national physicians who trained in the United States stay in the country to treat medically underserved patients. The process is reportedly laborious and burdensome to employers and physicians alike. We look at this lesser-known facet of federal immigration law, one that is potentially vital to the nation’s health care needs.

Cover Story Spring 2015
East Meets West: China Opens to Western Hospitals
Seth Yu, LLM ’08, is on the front lines of a massive change that is just beginning to occur in the Chinese health care system: the opening of hospitals in China, for Chinese citizens, by Western companies.

Briefs Spring 2015
Human Trafficking Clinic Helping to Create New Clinic in Brazil
Michigan Law’s Human Trafficking Clinic is working with a university in Brazil to create a similar legal clinic there in which law students will represent people who have been forced into slave labor in South America’s largest country.

Impact Spring 2015
Father and Son Team Up to Establish Davenport Family Scholarship Fund
For Bill Davenport, ’53, and his son Kirk Davenport, ’84, their shared love of and appreciation for the U-M Law School has led to a desire to give back. Together, Bill and Kirk have established the Davenport Family Scholarship Fund for current and future students at Michigan Law.

@UMICHLAW Spring 2015
Prof. Kamisar Awarded Medals for Korean War Service
Last November, Michigan Senator Carl Levin presented four military service medals to Prof. Yale Kamisar in a ceremony at the Law School: the Purple Heart Medal, the Presidential Unit Citation, the National Defense Service Medal, and the Republic of Korea—Korea War Service Medal.

Cover Story Spring 2015
Prescription: Career Change
After more than a decade as an ER physician, Mike Casner, ’14, decided it was time for a new challenge. He set his sights on law school, and never looked back. Casner describes returning to school after so many years away as “exciting, exhilarating, terrifying, and amusing.”

Cover Story Spring 2015
Health and the Law: Trends, Challenges, and the Future
We asked alumni who work in health-related legal fields about what is happening in their specialties, the challenges they face, and what we can expect in the future. They shared their thoughts about trends related to pharmaceuticals, mass torts, reimbursements, big data, and the implications of the Affordable Care Act.

Briefs Spring 2015
2014 Fiske Fellows Gratefully Pursue Their Passions
The Fiske Fellowship was established in 2001 by Robert Fiske, ’55, a senior counsel at Davis Polk & Wardwell and a former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. Three-year fellowships are awarded annually to up to four Michigan Law graduates who serve as government lawyers.

Impact Spring 2015
Dee and Dickson Brown, ’71 Endow Scholarship Fund
“The more we can do to make Michigan somebody’s first choice—and make it easier to be their first choice—the better.”