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Issue: Spring 2015 | Section: Features

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Carl E. Schneider Carl E. Schneider

Features Spring 2015

Schneider on the Failure of Mandated Disclosure

Mandated disclosure is a Lorelei, luring lawmakers onto the rocks of regulatory failure. Mandated disclosure is alluring because it addresses a real problem, the problem of a world in which non-specialists must make choices requiring specialist knowledge. Its solution is charmingly simple: If people face unfamiliar and complex decisions, give them information until the decision is familiar and comprehensible.

Students playing tug-of-war in a pond Students playing tug-of-war in a pond

Features Spring 2015

The Memory of Detroit—and Beyond

Alumnus Clarence M. Burton traveled the globe to acquire historical documents. His collection—including some 500,000 books and 250,000 images—spans 400 years of North American history and is regarded as one of the best in the nation. On May 21, the Detroit Public Library will commemorate its 150th anniversary and the 100th anniversary of the Burton Historical Collection.