An American Journal of International Law (AJIL) article written by Assistant Professor Kristina Daugirdas has been awarded the Francis Deák Prize, which honors outstanding scholarship by younger authors.
The article, “Congress Underestimated: The Case of the World Bank,” was published in the Journal in 2013 (Vol. 107, No. 3). The annual Deák Prize is sponsored by Oxford University Press and presented at the American Society of International Law’s annual meeting in the spring following the volume year in which the article appeared.
Daugirdas joined the Michigan Law faculty in 2010 after serving as an attorney-adviser at the U.S. Department of State Office of the Legal Adviser.
The prize was established in 1973 by Philip Cohen in memory of Francis Deák, former head of the international law program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and editor of American International Law Cases, 1783–1963, the first volume of which was published in 1971, the year before his death. The prize is awarded by the AJIL board of editors. Christine Chinkin, a William W. Cook Global Law Professor at Michigan Law, and Steve Ratner, the Bruno Simma Collegiate Professor of Law, both received the award in the past.