Sufi Y. Ahmad, ’87, made a $100,000 gift to the Ahmad, Zavitsanos & Mesing (AZA) Scholarship Fund, which was established in 2018 by his classmate and law partner John Zavitsanos, ’87. Ahmad is a founding partner of AZA, a trial firm based in Houston, where he represents clients in a variety of matters, including breach of contract, trade secrets, breach of fiduciary duty, and others.

Nicholas A. Budor, ’00, has made a bequest of $100,000 to establish the Nicholas A. Budor Scholarship Fund. The fund will be used to support Michigan Law students from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds and/or those who have existing student loans, with a preference for students with an interest in business law. Nick is the president of Wall Street Insurance in Edwards, Colorado.

Georgia Baylor Bullitt, ’87, made a gift of $50,000 to the James and Shelda Baylor Scholarship Fund in honor of her 35th Law School Reunion. Georgia is a partner at Willkie Farr & Gallagher’s New York office, where she practices in the asset management department and is co-chair of the financial institutions and regulatory practice group.

Michael L. Carter, ’66, and Jan Traver Carter have established the Michael L. Carter and Jan Traver Carter Fund, which will support scholarships at Michigan Law with a preference for students who attended a public university in Michigan and are primary caregivers. The Carters arrived in Ann Arbor in 1964 with two children in tow, and the gift reflects the important role Michigan Law and Ann Arbor played in their lives. The fund was established with a cash gift of $122,500 and a bequest of $250,000.

Fred Fathe, ’77, and his wife, Kay, made a $50,000 gift to the Professor James J. White Scholarship Fund. The gift, which commemorated Fred's 45th Reunion, was made in honor of two friends who “left us far too soon”: Allison Frankel, wife of Ed Frankel, ’77, and Anne Hall, wife of Ralph Hall, ’77. Fred is a member in the Phoenix office of Dickinson Wright.

Jane Griswold, ’72, and James Griswold, ’74, made a $100,000 gift in honor of Jane’s 50th Reunion, for which she also served on her class’s reunion committee. The gift will be used to support endowed funds that celebrate the legacy of three distinguished professors at the Law School: Theodore J. St Antoine, ’54, Jerold H. Israel, and James J. White, ’62. Jane and Jim have previously made gifts to the Law School Fund, Michigan Law’s most recent building campaign, and endowed funds that honor professors L. Hart Wright and Douglas A. Kahn.
Paul L. Lee, ’72, made a $50,000 gift to the Victors for Michigan Law Scholarship Fund to commemorate his 50th Law School Reunion. Paul is of counsel and former chair of the banking group at the New York office of Debevoise & Plimpton.
Charles C. Park, ’92, made a $50,000 gift to the Law School Fund in honor of his 30th Reunion. Charles is the managing director and chief compliance officer at BlackRock, a global investment manager.
Sara and Richard Werder, both of whom graduated in 1982, made a $100,000 gift to the Law School Fund in honor of their 40th reunion.
Carol Ann and John P. Williams, ’59, made a gift of $1 million through their estate, which has been divided between the Law School Fund and the Victors for Michigan Law Scholarship Fund. Carol and John were longtime supporters of Michigan Law and gave more than $2 million to the Law School during their lifetimes and through their estate.