When a ship is going down, the rats begin to flee. The same is true when it comes to the downfall of a powerful public official.
— Professor from Practice Barbara L. McQuade, ’91, in a Bloomberg op-ed about the federal indictment of New York City Mayor Eric Adams. Before joining the Law School, McQuade was a US attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan, where she oversaw the corruption case against former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.

Election Engagement on Campus
Michigan Law students with the Michigan Voting Project (MVP), a nonpartisan law student organization, led a Walk to the Polls event on October 31 (pictured), one the group’s initiatives to increase U-M student participation in the November 5 election.
Laws written decades before the rise of strategies like green stormwater infrastructure or rooftop solar can inadvertently add significant financial or regulatory barriers for socially desirable practices—in some cases, they ban them entirely. We’re proud to partner with Dearborn to support the city in removing barriers and expanding access to tools that save money, improve public health, and address climate change.
— Oday Salim, director of the Law School’s Environmental Law and Sustainability Clinic, in a Press & Guide article. The clinic recently announced a partnership with public health officials in Dearborn, Michigan, through which students will provide the city with pro bono services and recommendations related to the city’s environmental laws and ordinances.