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Issue: Fall 2017 | Section: Cover Story

4 results

Michael Bloom Michael Bloom

Cover Story Fall 2017

A Praktio Education in Contracts

Michigan Law Professor Michael Bloom says that learning to work with contracts is like learning any language. “So if software can help you learn Spanish or Python, why can’t it help teach you to read and write contracts?”

The Tech [R]evolution in Law The Tech [R]evolution in Law

Cover Story Fall 2017

The Tech [R]evolution in Law

The first thing we do, let’s replace all the lawyers with computers. While even a modern-day Shakespeare might think such a paraphrase is science fiction, the legal profession is grappling with whether or not it could be true someday. Technology is changing our society in immeasurable ways, and the practice of law is no exception.

Students standing in the front of a class at a University Law School Event Students standing in the front of a class at a University Law School Event

Cover Story Fall 2017

Problem Solving Initiative Trains Future-thinking Lawyers

“Law school can get very in the weeds,” says Katie Hart, a 3L. “All your classmates are learning how to speak the same language. But to be an effective lawyer, you need to communicate with clients who won’t be fluent in legalese.” 

JJ Prescott JJ Prescott

Cover Story Fall 2017

Have Your Day in Court Without Being in Court

A day in court is never a day at the beach. But for those who have trouble juggling work and family responsibilities in order to appear in court, or lack a way even to get there, something as minor as a traffic ticket can become a seemingly ceaseless stressor.