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Issue: Winter 2022 | Section: @UMICHLAW

4 results

Lecturer addresses class wearing a face maks Lecturer addresses class wearing a face maks

@UMICHLAW Winter 2022

New Design Thinking Class Teaches Students to Advocate for Themselves

Dialogue, debate, and deliberation are words that are synonymous with the law school experience—but what about design? One of Michigan Law’s newest course offerings challenges students to apply design thinking and problem-solving skills to their own lives and careers in the law. 

Professor Uhlmann addressing a lecture theater Professor Uhlmann addressing a lecture theater

@UMICHLAW Winter 2022

Environmental Law and Policy Program Hosts National Climate Advisor

“One out of three Americans [have felt the effects of climate change] in the last couple of months, between the wildfires and hurricanes and flooding, and the storms and droughts and heatwaves. We’re in a new era when we can see it and taste it and feel it for ourselves.” 

Woman wearing a mask being sworn in at a Umich lecturn Woman wearing a mask being sworn in at a Umich lecturn

@UMICHLAW Winter 2022

Pro Bono Program Builds on Best-Ever Year

In a year where virtually everyone needed extra help to get by, Michigan Law students went above and beyond to offer their assistance through the Law School’s Pro Bono Program, which asks students to voluntarily commit to pro bono service outside of the classroom. Despite the constraints of the pandemic, a record-breaking 252 students participated in the program during the 2020–2021 academic year. 

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson


@UMICHLAW: Winter 2022

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson gives Constitution Day address  |  Luis C.deBaca, ’93, joins faculty  |  Professors Margo Schlanger and David Uhlmann nominated for government posts  |  and more...