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Issue: Spring 2015 | Section: Cover Story

7 results

Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA)  in primary care exist in geographic areas (green) and among population groups such as low-income people (purple). Tan areas of the map indicate high needs in the geographic region, while yellow is used in areas that are not primary-care HPSAs. Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA)  in primary care exist in geographic areas (green) and among population groups such as low-income people (purple). Tan areas of the map indicate high needs in the geographic region, while yellow is used in areas that are not primary-care HPSAs.

Cover Story Spring 2015

Immigration Law and the Nation’s Physician Shortage

Lawyers are trying to help foreign-national physicians who trained in the United States stay in the country to treat medically underserved patients. The process is reportedly laborious and burdensome to employers and physicians alike. We look at this lesser-known facet of federal immigration law, one that is potentially vital to the nation’s health care needs.

Mike Casner, '14 Mike Casner, '14

Cover Story Spring 2015

Prescription: Career Change

After more than a decade as an ER physician, Mike Casner, ’14, decided it was time for a new challenge. He set his sights on law school, and never looked back. Casner describes returning to school after so many years away as “exciting, exhilarating, terrifying, and amusing.”

CHC International Hospital in Cixi, China CHC International Hospital in Cixi, China

Cover Story Spring 2015

East Meets West: China Opens to Western Hospitals

Seth Yu, LLM ’08, is on the front lines of a massive change that is just beginning to occur in the Chinese health care system: the opening of hospitals in China, for Chinese citizens, by Western companies.

Exterior View of the Law Quadrangle Exterior View of the Law Quadrangle

Cover Story Spring 2015

Health and the Law: Trends, Challenges, and the Future

We asked alumni who work in health-related legal fields about what is happening in their specialties, the challenges they face, and what we can expect in the future. They shared their thoughts about trends related to pharmaceuticals, mass torts, reimbursements, big data, and the implications of the Affordable Care Act.

The Intersection of Health and Law The Intersection of Health and Law

Cover Story Spring 2015

The Intersection of Health and Law

Research has shown that one in six people needs legal care to be healthy. One in six. That figure informed our decision to highlight the intersection between health and law in this issue of Law Quadrangle. From the Law School's Pediatric Advocacy Clinic to WebMD, this issue's stories illustrate that the overlap between health and law is vast. And it is a safe guess that the junction will only become more complex and varied over time.

Savannah Zuniga, age 8, has two rare conditions that affect her mobility, speech, and cognition. The Pediatric Advocacy Clinic at Michigan Law has worked with her family to ensure that her therapy is covered by her Medicaid managed care plan. “I pretty much take care of her 24/7,” says her mother, Chrystal, pictured at right with Savannah. Savannah Zuniga, age 8, has two rare conditions that affect her mobility, speech, and cognition. The Pediatric Advocacy Clinic at Michigan Law has worked with her family to ensure that her therapy is covered by her Medicaid managed care plan. “I pretty much take care of her 24/7,” says her mother, Chrystal, pictured at right with Savannah.

Cover Story Spring 2015

Doctor’s Orders: Call Your Lawyer

Medical-legal partnerships, such as the Pediatric Advocacy Clinic at Michigan Law, address the social conditions that affect the health and well-being of people and communities. Says Clinic Director Debra Chopp: “The idea is that the legal clinic becomes part of the medical team. We’re all working together to improve the health of the child.”

David Schlanger, ’84 David Schlanger, ’84

Cover Story Spring 2015

The JD at the Helm of WebMD

David Schlanger, ’84, used his legal education as the springboard for a career in business. Here, we look at how he rose to the position of CEO of the company behind the most-visited health information website in the world.