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Issue: Winter 2019 | Section: In Practice

3 results

Tim-Kochis being interviewed Tim-Kochis being interviewed

In Practice Winter 2019

Tim Kochis, ’73: A Pioneer in Personal Financial Planning

Any success in life is a combination of three things: talent, hard work, and luck, says Tim Kochis, ’73. While Kochis admits he’s had a few lucky breaks in his 45-year career as a personal finance and investment manager, he also attributes his success in large measure to his Michigan Law degree, which has proven to be a “valuable calling card.”

Michelle Silverthorn headshot Michelle Silverthorn headshot

In Practice Winter 2019

Michelle Silverthorn, ’08, on the Challenges and Opportunities of Diversifying the Workplace

How do you foster a diverse and welcoming environment for all people within the legal profession, particularly those at law firms? It’s a pressing question for the legal industry, and one that Michelle Silverthorn, ’08, is working to address.

Marc Howze smiling in front of plant Marc Howze smiling in front of plant

In Practice Winter 2019

Marc Howze, ’95: Steering Deere & Company

Nothing Runs Like a Deere. The tagline that originated in the 1970s—first with John Deere-made snowmobiles—has since become iconic. It’s also a phrase that could aptly describe the career of Marc Howze, ’95, Deere & Company’s senior vice president and chief administrative officer.