Classes celebrating milestone reunions were exceptionally generous in 2016. While many classes met and even exceeded their reunion class-giving goals, the Classes of 1966 and 2006 shattered records for revenue raised and participation. The Class of ’66 gave $5.7 million, the most ever raised by a 50th reunion class. The Class of ’06 raised nearly $283,000 with a 27-percent participation rate, both new records for a 10-year reunion class. In addition, 10 classmates from the Class of 2006 saw their 10th reunion as an opportunity to increase their commitment to the Law School Fund, and made gifts at the Cavaedium Society level (at least $2,500).
While the Classes of ’66 and ’06 reached new levels of reunion giving, the combined efforts of all of the classes make Reunion a success. We are grateful to all alumni who honor their classmates and Michigan Law with their generous support of the Law School Fund and other initiatives.