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Issue: Spring 2017

28 results

Kerene Moore, ’05 Kerene Moore, ’05

Class Note Spring 2017

Kerene Moore, ’05: Opening the Courthouse Doors to Everyone

When the marriage equality movement started gaining momentum, Kerene Moore, ’05, saw an opportunity to help the LGBT community understand its rights, and to access them. It’s why she helped to create the LGBT Rights Project at the Jim Toy Community Center in Washtenaw County.

Matt Raymer, ’08 Matt Raymer, ’08

Class Note

Matt Raymer, ’08: Strengthening the GOP, One State Race at a Time

Matt Raymer, ’08, has a Jim Harbaugh bobblehead in his office. Prominent election lawyer and fellow Wolverine Charlie Spies, AB ’95, sent it to Raymer with a note encouraging him to attack the 2016 election with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind—a nod to Harbaugh’s mantra.

Joe Neely celebrated his six-year anniversary as a Marine with 3 other Marine's Joe Neely celebrated his six-year anniversary as a Marine with 3 other Marine's

Class Note Spring 2017

Joe Neely, ’09: Outstanding Young Military Lawyer, for the Prosecution and the Defense

Capt. Joe Neely, ’09, entered law school intent on pursuing a career in Big Law, but when his 2L summer internship ended, he realized that working in a law firm wasn’t for him. As Neely researched other career options, he found himself drawn to the Marine Corps. “I knew that I wanted to do meaningful work, and I knew that I wanted to do something that challenged me physically as well as intellectually,” Neely says. 

Marla Matz Feldman, BS ’78, and Stewart Feldman, ’80 Marla Matz Feldman, BS ’78, and Stewart Feldman, ’80

Impact Spring 2017

Stewart Feldman, ’80: Holistic Education Equals Better Leaders

Adaptability serves Stewart Feldman, ’80, well. As a law student, he always studied at the same table in the Reading Room—until the persistent jackhammering from construction of the Allan and Alene Smith Law Library addition forced him to cross the room. “We always thank the library addition for our introduction,” says Marla Matz Feldman, BS ’78, DDS ’82, who had long studied on the opposite side.

 Li poses with the Union of European Football Associations’ championship trophy.  Li poses with the Union of European Football Associations’ championship trophy.

In Practice

Bringing Global Sports to Audiences in China

After working at international firms in Beijing (in capital markets and mergers and acquisitions) for nearly four years, Sam Li, ’06, was ready to move back to the United States. But then, in 2012, NBA China came calling, and the course of his career changed instantly.

Bojana Urumova, ’96 Bojana Urumova, ’96

In Practice

On the Front Lines of Europe’s Human Rights Concerns

Sometimes Bojana Urumova, ’96, works on high-profile issues with regional or global implications. Sometimes the work simply concerns individuals. But in her line of work, nothing is really simple.

Beauty image of the Law School Reading Room at Sunset Beauty image of the Law School Reading Room at Sunset


Recent Gifts: Spring 2017

Giving to Michigan Law is an investment in the future of legal education, and private support ensures that the excellence that has distinguished Michigan-trained lawyers continues for generations to come.

Beauty image of on of the gothic looking towers from the courtyard at the University of Michigan Law School Beauty image of on of the gothic looking towers from the courtyard at the University of Michigan Law School

Impact Spring 2017

James Phillipp, ’66: Supporting Legal History and Scholarly Research

With the James G. Phillipp Law Professorship Fund, James Phillipp, ’66, supports a subject that is of personal interest and shares his gratitude to Michigan Law for setting him on his path to a fulfilling career. “I have always been interested in history of all kinds. Even more so now that I have retired to a spot where Ponce de León was quite possibly trooping through my yard some 500 years ago.”

Beauty image of the Law School Reading Room Beauty image of the Law School Reading Room


News in Briefs: Spring 2017

Halfway through...  |  Michigan Law hosts Big Data in Finance conference  |  and more...

Terrence Quinn Terrence Quinn

In Practice Spring 2017

Scoring a Solo-Practice Touchdown

Nineteen years after wearing the winged helmet, Terrence Quinn’s college football coach, Lloyd Carr, praises his listening skills. “Terrence always paid attention, so I had confidence that he would remember what he was told and know what to do.” At two critical junctures, however, Quinn, ’02, didn’t listen.