Topic: Private Practice
49 results
Features Fall 2022
Three Former Students Become Their Law Professor’s Lawyers
There is an old adage about doctors being the worst patients. So does that mean law professors are the worst clients? Absolutely not, say three former students of one Michigan Law professor, who now serve as her lawyers in various capacities.
Impact Fall 2022
In Pursuit of the “Why,” Alumnus Establishes Fund to Support Philosophy of Law
When not flying his airplane, traveling with his grandchildren to Scotland, or taking a biking trip in Florida, Michael Fayhee, JD ’73, LLM ’20, is thinking about the law.
In Practice Spring 2021
Dan Bergeson, ’82: Adapting to a New Normal in California Courts
Going to trial in the era of COVID-19 has introduced a new twist into once-familiar proceedings, especially for the complex business litigation that is typical of Bergson’s practice. “You don’t have those face-to-face moments where you have that feeling of connectivity from seeing the judge or juror’s reaction.”
Cover Story Winter 2020
Gary Jay Kushner, AB ’72: Shaping Food Law and Public Policy
When Gary Jay Kushner, AB ’72, began his legal career in the mid-1970s, he had dreams of becoming the next Perry Mason. So it was by accident that instead of becoming a famous litigator, Kushner became one of the leading experts in food law.
Impact Fall 2020
Reflecting on Ann Arbor, Estate Lawyer Plans Support for the Next Generation
For George Smrtka, ’67, attending Michigan Law was a dream come true. “I applied to two other law schools, but Michigan was the top of the mountain for me. I never thought I could afford it, but the admissions counselor offered a scholarship for half of the tuition and the rest was covered through a loan. I also lived off-campus, washed dishes, and walked up a hill in the snow—both ways,” he laughs.
Impact Fall 2020
With Gift to Law School Fund, Alumna Pays It Forward
“I believe in the power of education and am incredibly grateful for my experiences. Law school is a place that gathers people from so many different backgrounds and affords them a chance to make a great life.”
In Practice Winter 2020
Craig Kramer, ’87: Mental Health Ambassador
“My overarching goal is to help transform mental health care worldwide. It’s broken everywhere, and it is a global problem,” says Craig Kramer, ’87, Johnson & Johnson’s (J&J) first mental health ambassador. But raising awareness about and erasing the stigma of mental illness were not part of his plan as a Michigan Law graduate—nor was it where he started.
Cover Story Winter 2020
A Seat at the Table: Legal Careers in the Food Industry
From Texas Roadhouse to Massachusetts dairy, we profile alumni working across the food industry's varied legal landscape. This includes a food lawyer who, “has participated in the development of virtually every law and regulation affecting the food industry in the last four decades,” an environmental lawyer advocating for sustainable meat production, a food writer, and a fast-food franchise owner.
Cover Story Winter 2020
Nora FitzGerald Meldrum, ’99: ‘Legendary’ Legal Service at Texas Roadhouse
“Legendary food, legendary service” is the mission statement of the Texas Roadhouse restaurant chain. And for in-house lawyer Nora FitzGerald Meldrum, ’99, legendary legal service is what she aspires to provide to the company and its nearly 60,000 employees.
In Practice Winter 2019
Tim Kochis, ’73: A Pioneer in Personal Financial Planning
Any success in life is a combination of three things: talent, hard work, and luck, says Tim Kochis, ’73. While Kochis admits he’s had a few lucky breaks in his 45-year career as a personal finance and investment manager, he also attributes his success in large measure to his Michigan Law degree, which has proven to be a “valuable calling card.”