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Section: @UMICHLAW

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Beauty image of Arches in the University of Michigan Law School Quad Beauty image of Arches in the University of Michigan Law School Quad

@UMICHLAW Fall 2016

Carroll, Price, and Rauterberg Join Michigan Law Faculty

Three tenure-track professors with expertise in civil procedure, health innovation, and capital markets began teaching at the Law School this fall, each as an assistant professor of law.

Students being lectured to and learning in the classroom at Law School Students being lectured to and learning in the classroom at Law School

@UMICHLAW Fall 2015

Curriculum Changes Better Serve Student Needs

The Michigan Law faculty has adopted a set of changes to the Law School’s curriculum that will address new American Bar Association regulations and increase flexibility for students in a way that will better prepare them for an ever-evolving legal industry.

Theodore J. St. Antoine Theodore J. St. Antoine

@UMICHLAW Spring 2015

Theodore J. St. Antoine Collegiate Professorship Established with Support from Seyfarth Shaw

In honor of one of the Law School’s most legendary professors, the U-M Board of Regents has approved the creation of the Theodore J. St. Antoine Collegiate Professorship at Michigan Law. Professor Richard Primus was named the inaugural chairholder.

Justice Ginsburg Justice Ginsburg

@UMICHLAW Spring 2015

Five Former Clerks Share Thoughts About Justice Ginsburg

The U-M Law School has five full-time faculty members who once clerked for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg—more than any other law school. In honor of Justice Ginsburg’s visit to campus in February, we asked them to tell us about their experience with her.

Bob Woodruff, ’87 Bob Woodruff, ’87

@UMICHLAW Fall 2015

New Veterans Legal Clinic Will Serve Those Who Serve Us

They’ve risked their lives, incurred long separations from loved ones, and suffered injuries to serve their country. When they return home, military veterans often face legal barriers to basic needs. A new clinic at Michigan Law is committed to reversing that troubling pattern. 

Senior canes were a campus tradition from the mid-1800s to World War II. Senior canes were a campus tradition from the mid-1800s to World War II.

@UMICHLAW Spring 2015

A Yearbook Etched in Wood

Before Facebook, LinkedIn, and the Michiganensian yearbook, soon-to-be Michigan graduates carved their signatures on canes to forever remember each other. Senior canes were a campus tradition from the mid-1800s to World War II. A display at the  Law Library now showcases some Michigan Law students’ canes, including one from 1877 that bears the signature of Clarence Darrow. 

Two of Jibu's local entrepreneurs holding a container of water with Jibu logo Two of Jibu's local entrepreneurs holding a container of water with Jibu logo

@UMICHLAW Spring 2015

International Transactions Clinic Helps Jibu Test Waters of Franchise in Africa

When a Jibu franchise opens in Uganda or Rwanda—and provides a new community with access to clean, affordable drinking water—traces of that success are felt 7,500 miles away in the Law School’s International Transactions Clinic (ITC). 

Mini-Seminar Brings Marijuana Law into the Classroom Mini-Seminar Brings Marijuana Law into the Classroom

@UMICHLAW Fall 2015

Reefer Madness: Mini-Seminar Brings Marijuana Law into the Classroom

When a mini-seminar on marijuana law is offered at the Law School, you can bet that a showing of the campy cautionary tale Reefer Madness will be used as a learning tool. What you might not expect is a syllabus that includes both marijuana court cases and a ranking of the top 25 pot songs of all time.

Adam Pritchard, the Frances and George Skestos Professor of Law at Michigan, speaks on a panel with at a conference in Hong Kong Adam Pritchard, the Frances and George Skestos Professor of Law at Michigan, speaks on a panel with at a conference in Hong Kong

@UMICHLAW Spring 2015

Michigan Law Faculty and International Experts Highlight Conference in Hong Kong

The U-M Law School, the Chinese University of Hong  Kong’s (CUHK’s) Centre for Financial Regulation and Economic Development, and the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies (LRCCS) at U-M brought together some of the world’s top experts in the public and private enforcement of corporate and securities law at a December conference in Hong Kong. 

Margo Schlanger Margo Schlanger

@UMICHLAW Fall 2015

Prof. Margo Schlanger Launches Civil Rights Education Initiative for High Schoolers

A new project called the Civil Rights Litigation Schoolhouse is helping high school students understand civil rights and the litigation process, and their importance in a democratic society. The Schoolhouse is an extension of the Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse, an online repository of court documents and information related to more than 7,000 civil rights cases dating back to the 1960s.