Topic: The Judiciary
34 results
@UMICHLAW: Spring 2017
Barb McQuade joins Michigan Law faculty | Dean West reappointed | Clerking for Justice Kennedy | and more...
Cover Story
Have Your Day in Court Without Being in Court
A day in court is never a day at the beach. But for those who have trouble juggling work and family responsibilities in order to appear in court, or lack a way even to get there, something as minor as a traffic ticket can become a seemingly ceaseless stressor.
In Practice
Roger Gregory, ’78: Chief Judge in Fourth Circuit
When teachers bring their students to visit Judge Roger Gregory’s chambers in Richmond, Virginia, he lets the students sit in the judge’s chair “to see what they might become,” he says. Those students also have the opportunity to see how far Gregory has risen—recently to the position of chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.
@UMICHLAW Spring 2016
Former Clerks and Faculty on the Legacy of Justice Antonin Scalia
The passing of Justice Scalia “could mark a turning point in the history of American law,” wrote Richard Primus, the Theodore J. St. Antoine Collegiate Professor of Law.
Seinfeld Searches Younger Doctrine for Answers in Google Inc. v. Hood
An authority on federal courts and jurisdiction, Professor Gil Seinfeld acknowledges that it is a rare occasion when the public’s attention is captured by a case that aligns with his scholarly interests. Google Inc. v. Hood was just such an exception.
Prof. Joan Larsen Appointed to Michigan Supreme Court
Joan Larsen, special counsel to the dean and adjunct professor at the Law School, has been appointed a justice of the Michigan Supreme Court by Gov. Rick Snyder for a term ending January 1, 2017.
Five Former Clerks Share Thoughts About Justice Ginsburg
The U-M Law School has five full-time faculty members who once clerked for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg—more than any other law school. In honor of Justice Ginsburg’s visit to campus in February, we asked them to tell us about their experience with her.
Justice Ginsburg Visits Campus
Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Ruth Bader Ginsburg participated in an engaging and spirited 90-minute conversation at U-M’s Hill Auditorium on February 6, during which she spoke about milestones in her own life, as well as key moments in the legal history of the past several decades.
@UMICHLAW Spring 2014
MacKinnon Wins Ruth Bader Ginsburg Lifetime Achievement Award
This year, the Association of American Law Schools’ (AALS) Section on Women in Legal Education recognized Professor Catharine A. MacKinnon with the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Lifetime Achievement Award. MacKinnon, the Elizabeth A. Long Professor of Law at U-M and the long-term James Barr Ames Visiting Professor of Law at Harvard, is only the second woman to receive the honor, after Supreme Court Associate Justice Ginsburg herself.
Michigan Law Surpasses 100 Clerkships for 2nd Straight Year
For the 2014 term, 133 Michigan Law 3Ls and graduates (at press time) have secured clerkships—a total that surpasses the previous record of 117 clerkships that were secured by Michigan Law students and graduates in 2013.